And the Greatest is Love

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Introducing Mrs. Moore!

Well, I changed my name today! I got to the DPS an hour early and was the first person in line. By the time it opened there was a VERY long line and by the time I filled out the paperwork I was probably the 10th in line, but everything went pretty quickly! After the DPS, I went to the social security office. I was there for only 45 minutes but it seemed like I was there longer than I was at the DPS! Thankfully those were the 2 places everyone complained about when changing a name and they're done with! Tomorrow my mom is coming to visit and we're going to change my name on the bank!

At my bridal shower someone gave us a crockpot...a NICE crockpot. We've had at least 4 before this, but our food always seemed to burn or not cook evenly so we were SO excited to get this one. I've used it a few times and tonight I'm making a chicken casserole in was super easy and smells good so far! Hopefully it will taste ok!

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